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Narendra Modi Birth Star, Astrology

Narendra Modi - Birth Star

Narendra Modi was born on 17th September 1950. His zodiac is Scorpio according to the date and Sagittarius by the year of his birth, according to the Hindu calendar. Jupiter is placed 7th from Sagittarius in the sign of Aquarius, which is also placed with Moon. Mercury is the lord of his birth year.

What kind of person is a Sagittarius?

"They have vision and are good at seeing the big picture," says astrologer Francesca Oddie, who describes Sags as friendly, energetic, honest, open, sincere, generous, and full of joie de vivre. Another common Sagittarius trait is being easily adaptable.

What does Mercury symbolize in astrology?

Mercury is the messenger of the gods in mythology. It is the planet of day-to-day expression and relationships. ... In Chinese astrology Mercury represents Water, the fourth element, therefore symbolizing communication, intelligence, and elegance.
As per Indian Astrology Mercury is a Karaka or indicator of intelligence, commerce, education, communication writing, books, humor, scholars and astrologers.

What is mercury personality?

Mercury is restless and active. When the planet is in control, there will be a lot of things that will happen quickly. The planet Mercury is about clever wit and fast thinking. Mercury will give people opportunities, reasoning, feelings, and the capability to rationalize things.

Now you can guess...

Who is the most popular PM in the world?

Narendra Modi
Prime Minister Narendra Modi is far ahead of other world leaders, including US President Donald Trump, when it comes to popularity on Facebook. According to the study "World Leaders on Facebook" released in Geneva by Burson Cohn & Wolfe, over 43 million people follow the Indian premier on the social media platform.

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