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Baby Names by Birth Star


Mukesh Ambani Birth Star, Astrology

Mukesh Ambani Birth Star

Mukesh Dhirubhai Ambani, a business magnate, Asia’s richest man, and a celebrity icon in India, was born on 19 April 1957 in Aden, Yemen. Mukesh Ambani Chairman and Managing Director of Reliance Industries is currently serving as the largest shareholder as well as managing director of Fortune Global 500 company known as RIL/Reliance Industries Limited, which, as per the interpretation of market value is touted as the most valuable company in India. Educated in chemical engineering, Mukesh got into business venture with his father Dhirubhai Ambani after whose death on 2002

What kind of person is a Sagittarius?

"They have vision and are good at seeing the big picture," says astrologer Francesca Oddie, who describes Sags as friendly, energetic, honest, open, sincere, generous, and full of joie de vivre. Another common Sagittarius trait is being easily adaptable.
Moola 0-00 to 13-20′ Sagittarius
General Characteristics: Possess a deep philosophical nature and an inquisitive mind that enjoys exploring the roots of any subject. Haughty, rich, happy, not inclined to injure others, Firm and fixed opinions, live in luxury.
Moola Star : Character and general events: He has a very sweet nature and is a peace loving person. He has a set principle in his life. There is a general fear about the persons born in Moola Nakshatra. It isn’t like that always. He can stand against any adverse tidal wave. He has the capacity to penetrate that wave and reach the destination. He is not bothered about tomorrow nor he is very serious about his own matters. He keeps all the happenings in the hands of god and become prey to optimism.
Sagittarius sign is known as Dhanu rashi according to Hindu Rashichakra. Thursday is considered as a lucky day for people born under Dhanu rashi according to Hindu Rashichakra.
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